
Heart disease is an umbrella term for a number of different diseases affecting the heart. As of 2007, it is the leading cause of death in the United States, England, Canada and Wales, killing one person every 34 seconds in the United States alone.
The blood vessels consist of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins. All blood is carried in these vessels. The arteries, which are strong, flexible, and resilient, carry blood away from the heart and bear the highest blood pressures. Because arteries are elastic, they narrow (recoil) passively when the heart is relaxing between beats and thus help maintain blood pressure. The arteries branch into smaller and smaller vessels, eventually becoming very small vessels called arterioles. Arteries and arterioles have muscular walls that can adjust their diameter to increase or decrease blood flow to a particular part of the body.

Diet For the Heart - An Authentic Mediterranean Plan to Prevent Heart Attacks  

Although many people around the world are proclaiming the health benefits of following a plan as authentic Mediterranean food for the heart to prevent heart attacks, there is still some confusion about what this diet consists of. And that is partly because at times, different dietary plans are for us disguised as an authentic Mediterranean diet, when the reality is that very little to do with it.

But before reading this article I would like an answer to the following question: How many times a week you eat meat and how often you eat vegetables? When the extent of declines over the meat, you are not after an Authentic Mediterranean diet, but a diet with an excess pressure of proteins that may not be healthy.

The following 10 points have the purpose of helping to prevent any further confusion to , while the foundations of one of the healthiest food, the authentic Mediterranean Diet.

1st Do not miss breakfast and have a snack in the afternoon .

Research, the world has shown that skipping meals, both morning and afternoon, the results in our organism is always slower, trying to compensate for the food is not receive.

2nd It is possible to eat healthy snacks and balance .

If you opt for snacks, in pockets, very careful with the quality and portions. If you think you are becoming addicted to them, for a handful of nuts, a boiled potato with aromatic herbs, vegetable sticks with yogurt ....

3rd Do not eat too much meat .

studies conducted by many organizations worldwide have shown that consumption of meat in Western societies exceeds that of any other food. The result is that in many cases, we have a surplus of proteins that may not be healthy.

4th Eat fish almost daily .

fish is rich, proteins, vitamins and minerals such as iron, phosphorus, iodine, all to the good functioning of our body. Fish also contains omega-3-fats, the right kind of fat for the heart and brain. At least twice a week fatty fish like salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel or. Prepare fish grilled or baked, never fried.

5th Dry beans three or four times a week .

The idea that legumes can we gain weight in circulation has to for years. That is not true. Of course, if you prepare legumes with fatty meats like sausage, its calories will increase. However, just to give you an idea, a spoonful of cooked lentils, about 20 grams, has only 39 calories.

6th The pearl of the Mediterranean: olive oil .

Avoid saturated fat and trans fatty acids. Use olive oil as the main source of fat, both to cook and as a dressing for your salads. Olive oil is not to your arteries and have many antioxidants such as vitamin E, for the health of our cells. Use extra virgin olive oil, never the refined varieties. Try not to eat more than 3 spoons per day, because after all, oil is a fat and like all fats, it bears with 9 calories per gram.

7th Add a little raw in every meal .

Note the recommendation of eating fruits and vegetables every day. We know that even a minimum of 5 units per day is the way to ingest the antioxidants that our bodies to stay young, with fewer heart problems and with exceptional defense against disease.

8th Aromatic herbs for flavor .

Use the herbs delicious cuisine from the Mediterranean: rosemary, basil, bay leaves, thyme, saffron, oregano, cilantro or in your meals. You can replace salt for flavor, while they contribute with many vitamins and minerals essential for good health.

9th Nuts are high quality nutrients .

A study conducted by Predimed says that people who are nuts in a Mediterranean diet gain less weight than people who are not in their diet and have fewer cardiovascular problems. Exactly the opposite of what most people think.

10th Cereals and potatoes .

cereals such as wheat, rye, oats, rice and potatoes are important pillars of the Mediterranean diet, and we must eat them every day. Try to make them as supplements with other foods that are higher in calories. Buy whole grains because its fiber not only cleanses your intestines, but the proportion of soluble fiber helps to lower your cholesterol.

last thoughts

the authentic Mediterranean diet has developed through scientific research to have heart health benefits, such as to prevent heart attacks . This diet is a synergy of health policy and although each component of this diet helps with a number of benefits on their own, it is the combination of all of them, this diet so powerful. If you follow the 10 points left for you in this article, you can be sure you are following a Authentic Mediterranean diet .


About the Author
Emilia Klapp has a bachelor in Nutrition Science. She is certified as a Registered Dietitian by the American Dietetic Association and the author of the book Your Heart Needs the Mediterranean Diet. For more information about Diet for the Heart and to get a FREE list of the 10 Top Mediterranean Curative Foods, go to: http://www.EmiliaKlapp.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emilia_Klapp


How The Risk Of Heart Attack Can Be Reduced In Women Through Diet And Fitness  

Women who still have menstrual approximately 20 times less chance of a heart attack than men of similar age. After menopause, the difference is significantly reduced. This suggests that estrogen May protect against heart attack a woman. From the research, women who oestogen daily after menopause are less subjective to a heart attack. However, to emphasize that estrogen is only one of the preventive measure a woman May adopt to reduce their chance of heart attack.

There are several ways that a woman can employ to ensure their chance to myocardial infarction. Some of these opportunities is through their diet and fitness level.


Evidence is that the accumulation Exercise is important in reducing the chance of heart attack and also has an additional benefit to help a woman reduce their weight. The nature of the exercise must be taken must be carefully chosen to taste so different. the exercise you like best and has fun. Exercise your body needs 3-times per week or more if your body can afford it. The execisey or choose must makeyou your heart and a little breathless. Always keep your weight in the area desirable. Read more about obesity! how it can be avoided, how to keep your body in the desirable range.

(2) reduce fat in your diet:

You should eat fewer processed meats like sausage, lamb etc eat cold water fish at lease once a week as herring, salmon , Mackerel. Not the meat is fried, but grilled or pan. Use vegetable oil or olive oil for cooking, because their protective effect. Fish and vegetable oil contains poly unsaturated fatty acid that plays an important role in blood clothes and inflammatory reaction in the body, while olive oil are mono-unsaturated fatty acids, which are not the risk of heart disease.

(3) EAT a prudent diet and REDUCE SUGAR INTAKE:

Reduce your sugar intake by cutting down or stopping the sugar remove or add to your diet such as tea, coffee. Avoid sugary cereals in your diet complex carbohydrates such as whole meal racial or pasta, vegetables and fruits.

(4) ADD TO FIBER your diet:

Eat wholemeal bread and not as white. They eat fruit and vegetables including the skin of apple and fruits.

(5) Check your blood cholesterol:

High level of cholesterol in the blood increase the risk of cardiovascular and Gefakrankheiten. This level can be reduced to Sever level by creating a prudent diet. If this doesn't work, certain drugs are now available to help cholesterol.

In addition, the risk of heart attack can be reduced into a woman, if you're not into smoking. The smoking too much cigarettes per day increase the risk of heart attack five times compared to now smokers. Smoking is the main cause of heart attacks in middle age woman. Smokers Sre liable to die young. This advice is sensitive and will really help a lot if duely followed. For more tips on nutrition and fitness articles like this one log on www.tinyurl.com.


Emmanuel has help hundred of people learn effective about diet plan,understanding the causes of obesity in human,the preferred weight range,the BMI and possible solution the obesity and abnormal body fat,the effect of diet and general body fitness in reducing the risk of heart attack. For more information and indept unbiased articles on diet plan please visit http://aboutdietplan.blogspot.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emmanuel_Abikoye


Lower Cholesterol - Quick Facts and Tips  

Love your life and enjoy your lifestyle, you suddenly realize your need to lower your cholesterol. This is definitely not rare in today's modern society. Do not wait until you found the hard way. Check your cholesterol now.

cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance called sterols that we have with regard to our human cells. We need cholesterol to vitamin D, hormones, cell membranes and bile salts. It is essential for our development of brain function. The liver is responsible for producing most of the cholesterol the body needs, the rest come from the food intake.

Lipoproteins in our body carries the cholesterol, and there are essentially two types known as the high density lipoprotein (HDL) and the low density lipoprotein (LDL) . Low Density Lipoprotein is, which transports cholesterol from the liver to the body, where high lipoprotein doing the opposite. Therefore, the lower density cholesterol often referred to as "bad cholesterol" and the high lipoprotein as "good cholesterol"

If you have not been tested your cholesterol levels, there will be a good idea to test this in your next visit to your doctor. It is a simple blood test. Understand your cholesterol levels regularly. it is certainly benefits for your overall health. The cholesterol test result from your total cholesterol, triglycerides, high density and low density lipoprotein cholesterol level. This gives your doctor a complete picture of your health. The best overall cholesterol reading is 200 mg /dl with a ceiling of between 200 mg /dl to 239 mg /dl. Medical experts predict you are at risk of heart disease if you total cholesterol 240mg/dl on readings.

High cholesterol increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. With the ebermaigen circulating cholesterol our bodies, deposits of cholesterol, the plagues in our artery walls, thereby narrowing of the blood flow. In the worst case it can block the blood flow to your heart that you will end with a heart-disease.

There are a number of factors that influence your cholesterol. This includes your diet, diet, body weight, body shape, the level of exercise, age, family history and agenda. Dietary change is usually the first thing on cholesterol lowering. Saturated and trans fats are the key to avoid. Saturated fats are mainly animal fats and is located in seafood, whole-milk dairy products like cheese, meat and poultry skin. Just like other fats and oils and fats are polyunsaturated fatty acids helpful to the LDL level. These fats are found in fish and nuts. In addition, soluble fiber like oats has the same effect of reducing cholesterol levels. Increased HDL has a protective effect on heart-disease.

Medical research shows that exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is because exercise improves the lipoprotein profile. The research shows that the amount of exercise, which is important. It does not matter that you exercise extremely hard with high energy, or just general energy to exercise. The most critical factor is the amount you need to exercise in the maximum duration may be. Consult your doctor to make sure the level of exercise is suitable to your health. So, find out whether you have a high cholesterol or not. Exercise is definitely Improve Your health.

Why is it that some people can eat all the ice and fatty foods they want without increasing their cholesterol or weight gain, while others have to their diet so closely? The answer lies in our genes. Although it is known that our genes can be influenced by a number of different factors, including our environment, nutrition, lifestyle, education and personal and family experiences, this does not apply to institutions such as our response to cholesterol. Indeed, no matter what our way of life, it seems our genes play an overriding role in cholesterol response. Some people have to make sure about their diet, while others have much more freedom in their diet. The take home message remains the same - we could not in a position to our genes, but we can certainly change our lifestyle.


More free advice and ways of improving your cholesterol level, visit Best Cholesterol Help Have other health issue, General Ability about Health have many more health advice to offer including free samples.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Louis_Ng


You, Too, Can Give the Gift of Life  

You're in the mall, the supermarket, or heading for the departure gate at the airport if you are someone before you drop to the ground. As you look around to see if anyone is aware of what is happening, you notice a sign that says "AED" or "defibrillator" with an arrow on a crate. Want to know what to do?

According the American Heart Association, approximately 350,000 people die from sudden cardiac arrest each year in the United States alone. The majority of people show no symptoms, so that they no warning. The current national survival rate for sudden cardiac arrest is less than 5%, often because medical services can not reach them in time. The probability of a successful resuscitation decreases by about 10% with every minute that passes.

Sudden Cardiac arrest is usually the result of the electrical activity of the heart to be disorganized, making it ineffective to beat. This arrhythmia is ventricular fibrillation. This leads to a lack of blood or heart rate, loss of consciousness, cessation of breathing, and leads to death very quickly, unless properly treated. CPR is important for maintaining blood flow to vital organs of the body for a short period of time, but defibrillation is the most effective treatment for the return of a heart in fibrillation to its normal rhythm. Until recently, only credentialed health professionals and trained medical service personnel were able to defibrillation to victims of sudden cardiac arrest. Precious minutes were lost from the time of the collapse of the arrival of the rescue funds. With widespread access to defibrillators, it is estimated that an additional 40,000 people lives could be saved each year in the U.S. alone.

The effectiveness of the defibrillation is directly linked to how quickly it is administered. The American Heart Association has found that maximum efficiency is achieved if defibrillation is done within 3 through 5 minutes of collapse. After 10 minutes, the likelihood of a positive outcome is extremely bad. The importance of quick and effective intervention in the AHA's "Chain of Survival" concept; early access, early CPR, early defibrillation, early advanced care. (americanheart.org)

The dissemination of public access defibrillator (PAD) since the 1990s and the accompanying PAD Program has a lot to educate the public about the early access defibrillation. Public access defibrillators can be found in local terminals, on commercial aircraft and in shopping centers. They are currently legally required in federal and state government buildings, health clubs and nursing homes, with a variety of bills now before Congress, to help them in an ever growing list of public institutions.

The American Heart Association and the American Red Cross are just two of the nationally recognized organizations, the laity all the information and training needed to competently assess a victim, administer CPR, if indicated, and for the safe operation of an AED and effective. Numerous local training and consulting organizations accredited by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross are also available, the training and knowledge certification.

Keeping current increases confidence. With more confidence, the probability of the audience participation and the positive outcome of intervention increased. Think of the millions of "baby boomers" 45 to 60-plus years old. And getting older. They could be your customers, neighbors, employees, parents, or even you.

Anyone has the ability to save a life. With only a little training, everyone can have the chance, a hero.

Save a life. Go ahead. You can it.


Patti Armus is a registered nurse with extensive experience in critical care. In addition to providing direct patient care, she has been instrumental in the design and implementation of education and precepting programs, cardiac rehab, and public access defibrillator programs. She is certified as an AHA BLS, AED, and first aid instructor. Currently the Cardiac Program Director in a sub-acute rehab facility, she is also the President and CEO of My-Med-Keeper. http://www.my-med-keeper.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patti_Armus


Cholesterol - How to Understand Yours  

To understand the normal cholesterol in the human body, we need to know the different types of IT-present in our body. The first type is LDL or low-density lipoprotein, the bad cholesterol. It can block the arteries. The second type is HDL or high-density lipoprotein, which is good, because it removes unhealthy stuff from the blood. Another type is the triglycerides can be a problem if it high.

Cholesterol needed in our body, but to a certain level. Too much or too little of many diseases. If cholesterol is too high, it sticks to the walls of the artery. This leads to a blockage of the normal supply of oxygen and blood in body.

The normal cholesterol is 200 or below. 200to 239 is a borderline case. More than 240 are characterized as a high level. If HDL-cholesterol or "good" high, it is beneficial for health. Remember that it helps to get rid of the bad cholesterol. Normal levels for HDL is 60 or later installed. If there are under 40, then it is vulnerable to damage ship, Stoke or heart attack. The normal triglyceride level is 150 and below. Borderline high is 150 to 199th High-level applies than 200 to499. If the level crossing 500, and then you are open to heart attack or stroke anytime.

To to keep your cholesterol levels normal, healthy life-style should be maintained. Intake of saturated fats and trans fatty acids in the daily diet leads to high cholesterol. Stay away from high-fat foods such as junk food and fast food. Ordnungsgemae and cardio exercises regularly can help a long way. It may not be severe or exhausting. Fifteen to thirty minutes walking, jogging, jogging spot slowly will help that a lot.

Diet low in saturated fats to maintain normal cholesterol levels. These include fat-free diary products like milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, together with skin and poultry, fish and shellfish. Cooking oil used to be high in unsaturated fats such as corn, canola, sunflower, sesame and soya. Eating more high fiber foods is also beneficial.

Doctors often, drugs to come back to normal cholesterol levels. They are known as statins. It can also be harmful with severe side effects such as kidney damage, memory loss, sexual inability or disinterest, muscle weakness, dizziness, constipation, sleep disorders, diarrhea, gas digestive disorders, headaches, nausea and vomiting. Ordnungsgemaen exercise, balanced diet right medication to maintain normal cholesterol levels. However, the doctor for sometime after the reading of the cholesterol is necessary.


Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about understanding cholesterol, please visit Good and Bad Cholesterol for current articles and discussions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wendy_Pan


Use the Metabolic Window in Your Quest For Heart Health  

Being overweight increases your heart disease risk. Increase your metabolism of muscle-building is a way to burn an extra 100 calories per day, to promote weight loss, heart and health.

Now that you are a strength training routine, you want the best results for your efforts. This means attention to what you eat and when pre /post-workout, and how many times you train.

Foods before /after training for the most efficient results:

You do not want the morning start your workout without something to eat. Your blood sugar and glycogen (carbohydrates in the muscles and liver) are exhausted by morning and if you do not eat anything your first priority is likely to keep fat and perform poorly. Quick-absorbing sugar with you quickly fuel for your morning workout. Good decisions are juice, fruit, toast, or even a sports drink - not the best time for a protein bar. If a "bar" is the easiest way for you to do an energy bar would be a better choice before the morning workout. Energy bars contain more carbohydrates, the fast energy. Look at the calories but!

metabolic diseases Window:

It is important to eat within 45 minutes of exercise. This time 45 minutes referred to as a "metabolic window. During this time the enzymes to replenish muscle and protein stores are in peak times. This means that you want to eat a snack that contains protein and carbohydrates. Examples: peanut butter sandwich, yogurt with fruit, bagel with cream cheese or a handful of nuts. With the left mouse button a snack within 45 minutes of your workout data to maintain /build muscle mass, replenish glycogen storage and to reduce the amount of fat your body stores.

Weight Training Frequency:

Also, be sure to give your body at least 48 hours between weightlifting sessions. The way muscle - you lift weights and the muscle fiber is torn, during the next 48-72 hours the muscle fibers are repaired and stronger increase your muscle mass. So picture a step back, two steps forward in the muscle-building. If you lift weights too often Do not waste your muscles time to heal and rebuild muscle fibers. One way to accomplish this alternate upper body and lower body workouts.

I not want you to think that all this talk about strength training applies only to muscle-bound types along the lines of Schwarzeneggar. Maintaining a health lean body mass (muscle) is of crucial importance for all - men and women alike. Anyone can fall victim to the "middle age spread"! A strong defence of regelmaigen activities and receive a healthy body weight, essential lean body mass, and prevent heart disease.


Now, to receive free heart health and weight loss tips from dietitian Lisa Nelson, subscribe to The Heart of Health and grab your FREE subscriber exclusive report "Stop Wasting Money - Take Control of Your Health" today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lisa_Nelson


Is Your Heart at Risk?  

Heart disease can rely on us all, women are just as much at risk than men. It may be practically every mature age, but the good news is that we all take measures to improve the chance for the development of the disease.

We the known risk factors, most of us know this in one way or another. I guess some of us has one or more of them and perhaps think that "Yes I know about but apart from that I just wonderful" , but that is not so.

The major risk factors, up to us to control high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, diabetes.

Then and of course there are the 2 large ... Risk factors, smoking and overweight.

Here are some steps that we all take to prevent heart and Gefakrankheiten.

1. Stop Smoking (a very big risk factor) if you do not immediately stop trying.

2. Have your blood pressure checked regularly. Your Doc tells you your healthy pressure. The reduction in alcoholic beverages is a great help here.

3. Make sure that your blood cholesterol is not high, again your doc advise you.

4. Prevent or manage ... Diabetes not so easy, but also the movement and weight play a major factor part.

5. Target for a healthy weight by losing weight and keeping it off, reduce excess fat

There risk factors are, of course, we can not do anything, such as our time as we get older increases the risk and then there is family history. Has your father or mother or maybe your brother has been diagnosed with the disease at an early age?

These risk factors make it all the more important for us to managing risk factors, in our reach to manage .

There are several programs and books in the bookstores and the Internet help us with risk factors of heart disease.

TruthAboutAbs is such a program is established and written by Mike Geary, is a certified nutrition specialist and certified personal trainer

I have written this article from personal experience, and I hope that it might be a help to others, that there is a risk factor for heart feared disease.


My name is Hilton Saint I am the author of "Is Your Heart At Risk? I have written this article from personable experience. For more information on weight control and health risk factors go to http://truthaboutabssite.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hilton_Saint


Heart Benefits From Dark Chocolate  

There is great news for everyone loves chocolate, dark chocolate in particular. Research has shown a small amount eaten on a daily basis is actually good for your heart! It is important to note, only dark chocolate has been shown that the health benefits of any kind of milk, half-sa, white or any other type of chocolate May taste good, perhaps even better, but they do not known benefits.

Chocolate is derived from plants and that means it contains some of the same health benefits different from the dark side vegetables. These benefits come from flavonoids, as antioxidants. The antioxidants protect the body from that ageing is determined by the molecules produced by normal digestive processes that cause the damage that leads to heart disease.

Dark chocolate has an enormous number of antioxidants. The manufacturers have learned how to use the product holds up to 95% of flavonoids. The higher the level of flavonoids, the more benefit to consumers of chocolate. In fact, that dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids will increase the blood levels of epicatechin that will allow the release of active substances that improve blood flow in the artery. Improved blood flow is a big advantage for the health of heart.

There are two health benefits of dark chocolate in particular has to eat for the heart. A low blood pressure and other lower cholesterol levels. If eaten on a daily basis, it can reduce blood pressure in people who have high blood pressure and also reduces LDL cholesterol, also known as the bad cholesterol, by up to 10 percent.

There are other health benefits of eating dark chocolate and including promoting endorphin production, a sense of joy, it contains serotonin, the anti-depressant, it contains other stimulants and it tastes just good.

This does not mean that anyone should eat a dark chocolate binge. Chocolate of any kind is loaded with calories and fat content. It is recommended that consumers eat no more than 3.5 ounces per day to enjoy the heart and other health benefits of dark chocolate offers.

It is strongly recommended that each addition to its dark chocolate daily diet should look for pure dark chocolate, either simple or with nuts or any kind of flavoring. Consumers should avoid any kind of fillings, such as caramel or nougat, because the fillings add unnecessary and unwanted sugar and fat, to prevent your taking the benefits.

It is also advised not to drink milk with your dark chocolate. Research has shown, milk can prevent the antioxidants are absorbed or used by the body.


Adam Leeds is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about heart benefits, please visit Heart Health Blog for current articles and discussions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Leeds

Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol  

Perhaps your cholesterol numbers are a bit too high for the medical needs. He or she may want you to drugs to ensure that the figures fall. You should try some natural way to reduce cholesterol, before you take the prescribed medicines to see whether it has any effect, as they are in cholesterol levels to a satisfactory exercise level.

Can Lower Austria cholesterol?

Exercise will not lower your cholesterol, but it is the good or HDL cholesterol levels. You do not have to practice energetic movement to get cholesterol benefits only a walk or a light jogging session for half an hour at least five times per week.

Yoga is said that lower bad cholesterol naturally. The reason it works is that it be reduced to hormones released when you said, and this in turn lowers your cholesterol. Meditation may also have the same impact on your cholesterol as yoga.

Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol with Food

Most people are aware that eating a diet rich in oats can help to naturally lower cholesterol levels. This is not the only foods which can bring benefits for lowering your cholesterol. It is said that eating at least 3 ounces or � cup walnuts can reduce your cholesterol levels by at least 15%. Eat at least three medium handful of this fight against cholesterol mother every day for several weeks and have your cholesterol numbers again to make sure they do their job.

There are also two margarine products in the family who have said a major effect on Cholesterol-cutting numbers, if they are eaten on a daily basis. Benecol ingredient for the reduction of cholesterol comes from the stanols in pine trees. Another product called margarine has control similar stanols, from soybeans. Both are said to cut or bad LDL cholesterol levels by at least 14%, if you combine them with other changes to your diet.

What of Food Supplements

Taking certain food supplements Another possibility is the natural way to reduce cholesterol. They are not drugs, but naturally occurring substances already in your body or substances should be obtained from certain foods to eat. For example, OC MAX is said to reduce cholesterol levels with the enzyme Serratia E15 silk worm. Serrazyme is said that a powerful tool in not only a reduction of LDL-cholesterol, but it also helps in the fight against heart disease.

It is always advisable, before taking any food supplements that you speak with your doctor. Taking food supplements in conjunction with a healthier diet and exercise can do wonders for bad cholesterol. Many times only these few changes can lower your cholesterol numbers to an acceptable level without taking medication provided by your doctor. It probably will not hurt to try these methods first, and if they do not work, you and your doctor can work together to secure an alternative treatment plan.


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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vince_Platania


Research Found Less Heart Disease in Vegetarians Than Meat-Eaters  

Did you know that, on average, vegetarians have lower blood fat levels, cholesterol and triglycerides as people who are meat-eaters and a similar age and social status? It is an accepted fact that people with high levels of blood fats are a graeres risk of heart disease.

There can not deny that it enormous health benefits of a vegetarian diet from eliminating red meat from your diet or Change in eating habits. Vegetarians refrain from eating all animal foods are also more likely to lower cholesterol levels than meat eaters.

Studies have found that older men eat meat, six or more times a week are twice as likely to die from heart disease as those who abstain from meat. It was also in studies showed that a middle-aged man, a meat-eater is four times more likely to suffer a heart attack. Research carried out in Britain with 10000 vegetarians and meat-eaters found that the more meat consumed, the more graer the risk of heart attack.

Large amounts of high-fat dairy products and cholesterol-rich eggs can also be a body of blood and fats cholesterol.

The benefits of a vegetarian way of life are obvious. They should think of the introduction of more vegetables, fruit and raw foods into your eating habits and a commitment to undertake your own research, including the finding vegetarian recipes, the delicious, healthy life and prolonging.

As the change is quite drastic first to live Lifestyle in a meat-eating, it would be advisable to your vegetarian meals gradually. Maybe once a week to start, with a view to introducing further vegetarian meals at intervals regelmaigen when you and your family have adapted to the new eating habits. Their goal is to eliminate all red meat once possible.

Yes, this is a life changing experience for you and your family. However, if your eating habits to a total vegetarian diet give you the health benefits to help you enjoy life to the fullest with more energy than you will be leaner and fitter and ready to live a well-developed, happy life. It is never too late to start - not him no more!


Bill Hansen is a writer and researcher on vegetarian food and recipes. To receive your instant access on various vegetarian food issues please visit http://www.aboutvegetarianrecipes.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bill_Hansen