Blood Pressure and Heart Disease
The heart is a vital organ of our body pumps the blood to all systems through the arteries of the body. The blood is Gefae arterial elasticity, which in nature. High blood pressure is nothing other than the pressure on the vessels' walls. There are two types of blood pressure: systolic and diastolic. Systolischen blood pressure is that pressure is exercised by the blood on the walls of the arteries during kontraktive phase of the heart, diastolic blood pressure, that pressure is exercised by the blood on their Gefawende during the expansionary phase.
Normally Blood pressure increases during the emotion, tension and anger is low and during sleep and rest. It differs from person to person, age, sex, mental and physical work of the individual. Hypertension is the thickening of the arterial wall (Arterio-sclerosis), particularly in old age, or it may be because of stress and strain. Diseases of the kidney may also produce hypertension.
Heaviness, oppression, discomfort or pain in the chest that can be localized or radiate to the left breast arm.
Pain increased effort on or after meals.
Recent undue shortness of breath after climbing two flights of fatigue after stairs.
Sudden Exercise.
Palpitation or rapid heart beats or unregelmaige heart beats.
Sudden weakness or numbness sensation in the upper or lower or both extremities.
Fainting or coma or loss of speech or slurring of words.
Headache not relieved by aspirin or a shared vision Or drug.
Blurring of hearing.
Transient of vertigo attacks, which occur when the head is suddenly a side.
Exact cause is not known, but mental, effort /anxiety, too much fat, obesity and alcohol consumption ebermaiger and salt can cause. A sudden fall can cause fainting and low-perfusion ichaemic damage to the heart tissue. Abrupt swings in blood pressure are dangerous because they can break Gefae in the retina or the brain cause or overloaded heart to fail. So, blood pressure above 150/90 and 120/70 below should not be left untreated and needs medical attention.
It based on strict regime, the control of the diet, exercise and drugs/plants.
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