
Heart disease is an umbrella term for a number of different diseases affecting the heart. As of 2007, it is the leading cause of death in the United States, England, Canada and Wales, killing one person every 34 seconds in the United States alone.
The blood vessels consist of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins. All blood is carried in these vessels. The arteries, which are strong, flexible, and resilient, carry blood away from the heart and bear the highest blood pressures. Because arteries are elastic, they narrow (recoil) passively when the heart is relaxing between beats and thus help maintain blood pressure. The arteries branch into smaller and smaller vessels, eventually becoming very small vessels called arterioles. Arteries and arterioles have muscular walls that can adjust their diameter to increase or decrease blood flow to a particular part of the body.

7 Fat & 7 Fiber Food Changes to Drop Cholesterol and Weight  

If you have a high cholesterol and blood pressure, cutting back on fat and increasing fiber can be lower. You can also lose weight in the process!

Try these changes foods to reduce your fat and saturated fat intake. Gesettigten fats, the hard, artery-clogging fat, and you want to stay below 20 grams a day, whenever possible. Total fat should be less than 50 grams for women and 60 grams for men.

1. Eat only 1 oz cheese instead of 2 ounces and save 5 grams saturated fatty acids. A ounces, the proportion of pre-sliced cheese.

2. Buy 95% lean ground beef instead of regular ground beef, and save 3.5 grams of saturated fatty acids for each part 3 oz. Three ounces is as big as a deck of cards with cards.

3. Instead of whole milk to save 1% and 3 grams of saturated fat per 8 ounces serving.

4. Choose tub margarine instead of butter and tablespoons for each save an additional 5 grams saturated fat.

Here are a few more ideas to trim your total fat consumption:

5. Use low-fat cream soups instead of the normal for your casserole dish and save 6 grams of fat per serving. That is 15 grams of fat per less!

6. Get an ice-cream instead snowstorm or shake and save you about 20 grams fat.

7. Order your latte, mocha cappuccino or with milk and fat-storing 6-7 grams of fat for a 16 oz serving.

Believe it or not, there are actually some foods you should eat more of cholesterol lowering and weight. Turn these foods to increase your fiber intake for even more power heart health!

1. Oatmeal cookies can be a powerful weapon in lowering your LDL, the "bad" cholesterol can increase that plaque deposits in the arteries. What is it about oatmeal that is so healthy? Oat flour is a whole grain and a good source of soluble fiber. It also sticks with us more to help control hunger.

2. Add a tablespoon of flaxseed to your oatmeal, bread mix, casserole, yogurt, salad or other food for fiber and omega-3. You can buy the seeds and grind in coffee grinder or buy a small parcel of ground flaxseed. Make sure that you have chilled the ground!

3. Switch pasta, bread, cereals and other foods, starch grain or whole wheat. These changes will double your intake.

4 fiber. Try to increase fruit & veggie: 1 fruit have served for breakfast, morning snack for the 1, 2 vegetables with 2 lunch and dinner with vegetables. Now you have the Mindest-5/Tag you need. Eat more if you want!

5. Beans are one of the best sources of fiber. Try to have with beans 1-2 meals per week. It is quite simple, if you like chili, beans, soups, salads, beans, baked beans, black beans, beans or bean dips in Mexican dishes.

6. Do not forget about nuts and seeds. Add nuts in the day for a snack or salads. Just watch the Grae serve, as they are calorie!

7. Enjoy popcorn for your snack. 3 cups get 3 grams of fiber! Go easy on the butter or oil.

Total fiber intake should be 20-35 grams of fiber daily, but do not worry about the numbers. Just be sure to gradually increase the fiber and drink enough water to avoid cramps and bloating.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karen_Marschel

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