
Heart disease is an umbrella term for a number of different diseases affecting the heart. As of 2007, it is the leading cause of death in the United States, England, Canada and Wales, killing one person every 34 seconds in the United States alone.
The blood vessels consist of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins. All blood is carried in these vessels. The arteries, which are strong, flexible, and resilient, carry blood away from the heart and bear the highest blood pressures. Because arteries are elastic, they narrow (recoil) passively when the heart is relaxing between beats and thus help maintain blood pressure. The arteries branch into smaller and smaller vessels, eventually becoming very small vessels called arterioles. Arteries and arterioles have muscular walls that can adjust their diameter to increase or decrease blood flow to a particular part of the body.

Here Are Some Interesting Facts About Strokes  

A stroke can happen to anyone for any reason at any time of day. There are approximately 600,000 people experience a stroke each year. It is true that suffered approximately every 45 seconds someone in America a stroke. There is usually someone dies of a stroke every three minutes.

There are so many people are killed each year by this insidious disease. It is the third leading cause of death in the nation at this time, and it is the most common cause of severe long-term needs due to disability in the United States.

A stroke is a type of cardiovascular disease, and it affects the arteries leading to the brain. A stroke will happen when the blood vessels leading to the oxygen and nutrients to the brain is either blocked by a clot or to break them. If that happens, a part of the brain is no longer the blood it needs for oxygen that it needs to survive.

As part of the brain dies from lack of blood flow, which is part of the body, it was controlled to be affected. A stroke can cause paralysis and affect language and vision and cause other problems as well. There are many risk factors for someone with a stroke. A person may experience a stroke if it is not a correct diet, which are, or poor eating habits. Smoking is another cause for many to experience a stroke.

is not the right amount of exercise can also lead to someone with a stroke. It is important to eat right and a form of exercise daily to keep your body in shape and keep it in a position to run the way it should be no risk for stroke with.

There are many warning signs of a person begins to experience a stroke. You need to make sure that you are aware, so you do not you sit down later with a risk of more serious problems on the road.

You will find that you are feeling different, and that you have numbness in the face, arm or leg on one side of the body. You can also find problems in your vision or a severe headache that comes on all at once.

If you think you can be with the symptoms of a stroke, you must CALL 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY! The warning signs may take a few minutes and then disappear, but they can respect a serious disease that you have taken to signal.

For many years there was no hope for those under a stroke. There are treatments that are available to reduce the potentially devastating effects of stroke can have on them, too. In recent years there have been many breakthroughs in medical research, new therapies to help stroke patients get through these difficult times to move and were found intact on a better quality of life.


About the Author:

Gene Smith is a firm believer in the old saying "Healthy Living Means Living Longer". He has recently set up a website that will focus on getting this very same message out to all who are concerned about their own personal health and wellness.

In today's insanely fast paced and multi-tasked society, it's very easy for us to slip into the habit of not providing our body with the proper nutrition needed to keep it running like the well oiled machine that it was designed it to be. Consequently, this poor nutrition leads to high blood pressure, strokes and even fatal heart attacks along with many other illnesses.

For a more information on heat disease and stroke, just visit this page: http://esp-publishing.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eugene_Smith


High Cholesterol in Teenagers  

High cholesterol affects about 15 percent of young people and is unfortunately a growing problem. If we do nothing and untreated, the structure of cholesterol may continue into adulthood and to a marked increase in the risk of early heart disease. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the United States today. This is why young people with high cholesterol, and their parents on how to deal with need to be aware of the problem.

Approximately 1.5 percent of adolescents suffer from high cholesterol, because the condition results in her family. A cholesterol test should also be considered if there is a family history of high blood pressure. Teenagers are also putting themselves at risk of developing high cholesterol, if they smoke regularly. However, the most common cause of high cholesterol levels in teenage obesity. Poor nutrition and lack of exercise can lead to a build up of fatty acids in the arteries leading to serious health problems in adulthood.

To reduce the risk of your baby developing countries, high cholesterol, or low, they recognize when it has already become a problem, is one of the first things you must do to encourage them to become physically active. People need to at least 30 minutes training per day, 5 days per week should. If they are overweight or health problems, they should build up to 60 minutes exercise most days of the week to improve their health.

diet is also an important factor. The biggest culprit for high cholesterol, processed foods, meals should be from the ground up to be cooked whenever possible. Saturated fats come mostly from animal products like meat and dairy products, hydrogenated fats and some oils should be restricted. Good alternatives to the "bad" fats are liquid margarine and olive oil.

Young people should also make sure they are getting the 5 servings of fruits and vegetables today, as they often have properties that help reduce the cholesterol. Apples, pears, plums and Brussell sprouts all contain soluble fiber, which breaks the "bad" cholesterol. Soybeans, oats, legumes and nuts will also help to lower cholesterol. Because of their high caloric content of mother's income should be limited to a handful or less per day.

When trying to lower cholesterol through diet and exercise, no results after a year we are opening with medication should be prescribed. These typically work by blocking cholesterol production, increasing "good" cholesterol or reducing cholesterol absorption. As with any form of medication these drugs can have unpleasant side effects and should be considered only if all other measures have failed.


Leanne is a writer. Her most recent articles include Buying a Baby Heart Monitor and Recommended Brands of Baby Heartbeart Monitor.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leanne_Williams

Are High Levels of Blood Cholesterol Hereditary?  

So another piece of the puzzle slipped into place. It was not just rabbits who died are of high blood cholesterol levels. People do. Other researchers are looking further back in time found that there was rationing during World War II in Norway and the United Kingdom was introduced, and in both countries fell, the rate of heart disease. (Although the rate of increase with bombs falling on my head rapidly, which might have had something to do with a quick change in causes of death.)

It was then decided that some people with a genetic predisposition known as familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH), basically an inherited disease, high blood cholesterol (LDL). Children inherit the condition from both parents could not be older than five of heart disease. Damn it, everything was already closed openand look like a case. Leap forward slightly in time, discovered in the 1970s, Brown and Goldstein, by the people with FH have a problem with their production of LDL receptors had. With fewer LDL receptors, the LDL level is increased and this was the basic "fault" in FH, which indicate how well, should actually called "hyper-low density lipoproteinemia.

It was at this point that the concept fragment from an elevated blood cholesterol levels began in a constellation of different lipoproteins, LDL, and was a "finger bad" cholesterol .. And so it seemed, although I'm jumping a little in time and space that all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place to replace. and the diet-heart hypothesis was really flying. As early as 1956 by the American Heart Association (AHA), a little premature in my opinion, the concept of "prudent diet" was started.

A prudent diet was butter and margarine, beef Chicken without skin, bacon and eggs and cold cereal, hot baths and cold showers, chocolate was a slap on the back of the neck with a cold truck. In the 1960s and 1970s, large studies were set up on dietary modification. The biggest probably the MR FIT study, where hundreds of thousands of people. What were the results of this study? "I think it would make things to tell you that at this point, all later revealed spoil.


Laura has been writing articles for nearly 4 years. Come visit his latest website over at http://cheapgymequipment.info/ which helps parents find the best Fitness Equipment and information they are looking for working out.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Laura_Hagen


Cholesterol Limits - How High is "Too High?"  

discover your correct cholesterol levels seem to be increasingly difficult. Each nurse who seems to speak a different opinion, and not even about all the various studies that have done, each achieved (speak his own conclusion, or should we say) confusion.

But, knowing your limits is correct Cholesterol important. For some of us depend on, our lives away. And here's why ...

first understand that, while controlling your cholesterol level is important, equally important is the relationship of LDL (bad cholesterol) to HDL ( good cholesterol). Both have a special task to do in your body.

Every cell in our body uses cholesterol as a part of it's natural function. Each cell uses the much cholesterol as bricklayers mortar used to hold together the cells, such as bricks. The cholesterol produced in the liver and in healthy people, there is no other source of the substance required.

cholesterol from the liver into single cells by low density lipoproteins delivered (LDL). As it travels through the bloodstream, providing the LDL cholesterol to the cells. If the LDL to a cell which is already enough cholesterol meetings, sends the cell a "N0, thank you!" Signal and LDL continues.

Now the bad part. If at the end of the trip is to have LDL-cholesterol is left, it deposits the excess on the walls of the arteries before returning to the liver to reload. Over time, these deposits and "off" can choke the blood supply to your arteries and serious medical emergencies (heart attack, for example).

Fortunately, your body also contains high-density lipoproteins (HDL). These proteins travel through your bloodstream and collect the cholesterol that LDL is deposited, returned to the liver, where transforms it into bile, and sent to your intestines.

cholesterol limits are important because, as you can see if the amount of LDL is so high that not all left the HDL cholesterol deposits can collect behind him, well ...

When it comes to more than proper cholesterol limits, we are usually our own worst enemy. Since the liver is used to produce all the cholesterol your body needs any extra to widen the gap between LDL and HDL levels. Unfortunately, many of the foods we love (meat products, milk, shellfish, etc.) containing different amounts of LDL cholesterol, can not the money issue (HDL are taken up from food added).

But this discussion is about borders cholesterol, cholesterol diet, yes, we leave that for another day. I hope we have shed some light on cholesterol and shows you why it is important to pay attention.


The author is the editor of the RemedyScribe.com website, where he writes on controlling cholesterol and other remedies for common ailments.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=D._Thomas_Webb


Prevent Heart Attack From Occurring - No More Expensive Treatment?  

you can) with a healthy lifestyle decisions and avoid risk factors for CAD (coronary artery disease. If you suffer from coronary heart disease, you can reduce the risk factors and keep your heart problems under control. The main culprit for heart disease is your lifestyle and erratic eating habits. You may be unknowingly eating of unhealthy foods. As a result you may experience obesity, lack of sleep, etc. No proper exercise, your addiction to alcohol or excessive smoking, high cholesterol and high blood pressure may exacerbate the symptoms.

Consume fruits and vegetables, which form a low-fat diet. Monitor the amount of fat content in your diet, and prepare a chart accordingly. Include only as much as your body, nothing more is required. Intake of salt should be reduced in order to reduce high cholesterol and hypertension. Eat high fiber foods every day. Reduce the intake of saturated fats and cholesterol from your diet, such as palm oil and animal sources.

Reduction of overweight or obesity: If you start eating low-fat diet, you will automatically lose weight, which in turn reduces the risk of myocardial infarction. This also reduces your chance of high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. If proper care is not taken to keep an eye on your health problems and to review them, you may face more complications.

development of heart friendly cooking habits: Use low fat cooking techniques. Consume green tea, garlic and antioxidants such as vitamin C, the hearts are friendly. Do not forget, your lipid profile done every 6 months to obtain. If you are over 45, you have an increased risk for heart attack.

eliminate the stress and BP: Yoga and meditation can bring about a greater stress relief and simply your health problems, such as blood pressure and stress. This in turn helps your heart conditions.

blood sugar or diabetes, are kept under control: Uncontrolled diabetes increases atherosclerosis, which is fat deposits and thickens the arterial wall. If you have diabetes, control your blood sugar levels by diet and physical activity.

Smoking and alcohol concerns: Cholestrol capture increases with reduced oxygen supply to the lungs. Smoking affects the inner walls of the arteries that create heart problems. The positive side of alcohol consumption is that his heart problems, if it had avoided in small amounts like 1 bar a day for women and 2 pegs a day for men. It can have negative effects if you increase the recording.

breathe fresh air through good breathing exercise. Sport also helps the good health of the heart!


Vijay Koragappa Shetty

Find out more about dietary supplements: dietary supplements

Culturelle probiotic: culturelle probiotic

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Am I at Risk For a Heart Attack - If So How Will I Know? Part II  

Heart attacks are among the top three causes of death in the United States to maintain more than 250,000 deaths per year.? It is important to get your your risk factors that may lead to a heart attack should be verified.

easy for those who can by dangerous cholesterol levels that do not respond to medication, diet changes may be necessary.? Drugs are expensive, and poses significant serious side effects.? Drugs are not the solution to fixing your heart.

Well, what about the operation? Surgical interventions such as bypass surgery Roto-Rooter to clean, go balloons stretching and pacemaker or not the best way.? It is becoming apparent that most of these medical procedures do not increase or even improve the lives not necessarily.? Medical care is best for a short time, and the only solution is a lifelong serious lifestyle change.

It's always better to prevent and repair to avoid than vice versa.? But if you develop heart disease or are at high risk for heart disease is not too late to make lifestyle changes from your state and vice versa.? Did you know that you can actually take your arteries and reduce your risk of dying from a heart attack?

Start by eating healthy meals per couple at home, which is low in fat and cholesterol but high in complex carbohydrates and crude fiber.? This simple change alone can lower cholesterol by up to 2030%, and reverse many cases of heart disease in less than four weeks to reduce.? Combine this plan with a significant reduction in salt intake and eliminating refined sugar from the diet can have significant impact on reversing your condition.

If you have your cholesterol level below 180, and lower your blood pressure below 120 mmHg, and stop smoking, it was estimated that 82% of all heart attacks could be prevented before the age of 65th? These simple lifestyle changes could do more together for your health than any hospital, surgery or drugs to improve.?

Making these simple lifestyle changes are so simple, yet so many people prefer to eat the same thing, living the same, and take a pill to cure all, but it does not work, as I said, there are side effects associated with taking no drugs and the side effects can sometimes be worse that what you take the medication in the first place.

So make a choice that could save your life, start small and build, as you better.


Steve Robertson is the owner of the blog shockingfatlosssecrets.com and has been writing articles showing people how to lose weight naturally and get in better shape for life for over 4 years. his latest site Keracare Hair Products and All Natural Vitamins is not exactly about health, but it is a helpful resource if you need a Great Hair Day.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_E_Robertson


Beat Bad Cholesterol and Heart Disease With Good Nutrition  

Do you know? Her heart's greatest enemy? It is found in saturated fats in meat, full-fat dairy products like butter, cheese and whole milk.? They are the most dangerous fats because they raise cholesterol and triglyceride levels, increase the chances of blood clots.? Saturated fat harms your arteries in a number of ways.? Eating too much fat over time, plaque build up damage your blood vessels.?

Saturated fats wastes no time in your arteries stiff and inflexible.? In fact, eating a high fat meal to make your arteries up to 27% less elastic briefly within 6 hours.? If your arteries do not expand, if you? Blood pumps through it, it represents an enormous burden on the heart.? So what do you do?

1st? Choose fats at room temperature - such as olive, canola or peanut oil? Contribute, "The to your total cholesterol is.

2nd? Be suspicious found against trans fats - hydrogenated vegetable shortening and margarine.? They go through a process that they are even worse for the arteries than any saturated fat is.? you actually raise LDL) (bad cholesterol and lower HDL) (good cholesterol, which is doubly bad for the heart.

3.? eat nuts -- They will help you lower your bad cholesterl and enhancement of food plus add fiber and flavor to any meal.

4th? Eating Mediterranean-style diet that fruits, vegetables, oils , nuts, fish, are whole grains, legumes and fish.? If meat is eaten, it is in small portions.

5? Do you like spinach and carrots? ? They contain lutein, a pigment found in green and yellow vegetables and was touted as is good for your eyes.? It turns out this important nutrient is good for the heart.? Other decisions are cabbage, kale, kohlrabi, romaine lettuce, croccoli, zucchini, corn, Brussels sprouts and peas.?

6th? Get enough FIBER - if it can, at lowering cholesterol and protect your heart does not beat you to fiber, especially when it to lose weight and is lower? the risk of heart disease.? Eat milled grain products, oats, flax seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables.

7th? Get enough magnesium ? studies have magnesium deficiency linked to increased cancer risk is, but this mineral is to lower cholesterol and help halve the death rate when given immediately after a severe heart attack.? Good sources include avocado, sunflower seeds, pinto beans, spinach, broccoli and oysters.

8th? Vitamin C - a powerful antioxidant vitamin that prevents the bad cholesterol LDL against oxidation and they can help, the good cholesterol.? Good sources are red and green peppers, oranges, cantaloupe, Brussels sprouts, grapefruit and tomato juice.

9? Vitamin E - also prevents the BAD cholesterl from oxidizing and sticking to your artery walls.? Good sources include wheat germ, sunflower seeds, peanuts, mangoes, sweet potatoes and olive oil. ?

10th Niacin - this is a B vitamin that works very well, lowering cholesterol, but high doses can cause flushing, rash and abdominal pain. • To get your niacin course eat tuna, chicken, salmon, potatoes and beans.?

Good nutrition plays a big role when it comes to lowering cholesterol and well-being, your heart.? Take it one step at a time?, By healthier Substitutions by vanilla soy milk or almond milk instead of whole milk.? Add some fiber to your meals to take to eat less meat, or choose instead of minced beef or buffalo steak.? to exercise and a point of filling half your plate with vegetables.? Your heart will thank you.


Sherry L. Granader, ACE, AFAA, NETA, ACSM, BBU

Sherry Granader is a Nutrition Consultant, National Speaker and Spokesperson, , Author, Writer, Yoga, Pilates and Group Exercise Instructor, Personal Trainer, TV and Radio Host. Download Sherry's "Eat Right, Feel Good Lose Weight" cookbook at http://www.sgtotalhealth.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sherry_L._Granader


The Connection Between Heart and Stress  

The scientific research is to find the connection between stress and heart disease. Scientists try to hard to find the answer to the question: is the cause of heart disease, stress? Research at the British Heart Foundation published in health journals say that only a few people the cause of stress for a contribution of coronary artery disease.

, you agree that growing evidence in the direction of the representation that stress contributes to heart related issues. The problem is that the nature of stress that they can not be measured, the scientists were not able to directly state that causes stress to heart disease. It seems that the scientists need to make the crucial studies suggest that such stress causes heart issues to achieve.

risk factors for heart disease

Today, we know that are the risk factors for heart disease:

  • high cholesterol

  • High Blood Pressure

  • obesity

  • diabetes

  • Family history of heart disease

  • smoking

Till the time stress is not as the main cause of heart disease, but research is conducted to show the connection between the two.

Facts about heart and stress

British Heart Foundation has revealed the following facts about the relationship between stress and heart.

  • stress affects the heart through the release of hormones. The hormones cause an increase in blood pressure, and this promotes clotting of arteries.

  • stress increases the production of adrenaline and cortisol. These chemicals are responsible for producing the fight syndrome.

  • research is carried out as before, to know the role of adrenaline and cortisol in the body. How does this hormone, leading to the buildup of fat deposits in the arteries, which are built? As theses hormones in blood clotting and increases the blood pressure? Answers are still on the road.

  • Stress also plays a vital role in the setting or mood of the person. In stressful situations, people usually choose some short-term solutions to their problems and forget about the long-term effects on the heart of it all. For example, a stressed person is more prone to eat irregularly for less healthy meals. Drink lots of alcohol, coffee and smoking too much. All this from the stress for a given time, but leaves a bad effect on the health of the heart.

  • Research has also shown that stress does not recommend the person from performing healthy activities like sports or meditation.

The question is, stress is the factor for heart disease, is not yet clear. Till present there are no decisive studies. Nursing research is beginning to mount, there is a connection between the two.

So the better idea is not to conclude and not wait, best remedy is prevention. Healthy diet, regular exercise was sleeping peacefully, will bring that man's mind to relax and thus also his heart.


Matt Byrd is enjoys health fitness related activities. If you want to keep your heart healthy then exercise and monitoring your heart rate is what you need. Visit Matt's website http://www.nikeheartratemonitor.net to see how you can maximize your work out routine by utilizing a Nike heart rate monitor.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matthew_Byrd


The Greatest Paradox in the History of Medicine  

A total lack of supporting evidence does not necessarily prove that saturated fat and fat in the diet does not cause heart disease. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence? Let me move some of the strongest evidence that directly contradict the diet-heart hypothesis. But where to start? There is only so much to choose from.

I think the best place to start is to have made with the largest study ever on dietary modification, and the greatest that will ever happen. Fifty million people were placed on a low saturated fat diet for fourteen years. Sausages, eggs, cheese, bacon and milk were severely restricted. Fruit and fish, but were freely available, the oh-so-healthy foods.

guessed Yes, what I am talking about. Rationing in the United Kingdom during and after the Second World War. But I did not say that prices fell heart disease during the war, this was not used as evidence for the diet-heart hypothesis? Yes, I did say that. But how on earth you could use the information from the ration to support the hypothesis that I am saturated fat is so deadly that even a decline in future consumption to a sharp decline in deaths from heart disease will result in the present ! Evidence that the space-time continuum is less rigid than we think and saturated fatty acids can seep through.

The most interesting facts about the rationing arise are:

1 For: 12 years, saturated fats was severely restricted.

2: increased consumption of fruit and fish.

3 KNOWLEDGE: The proportion of heart disease almost trebled.I, it's a little paradoxical, it isnot? And where are we now of paradoxes, I would like to introduce a few more.

The most famous is the paradox of French paradox.


Laurie has been writing articles for nearly 4 years. Come visit his latest website over at http://headtennisshoes.info/ which helps people find the best Tennis Shoes Deals.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Laura_Hagen


Heart Disease in Senior Citizens  

Heart disease is a general term that refers to different, specific heart diseases. As we age, increases risk for heart disease. It is important that older people get enough practice heart healthy behaviors such as exercise and diet is a balanced diet. It is equally important that seniors understand heart disease in order to prevent and detect when necessary, and treat their condition. Those seniors participating elderly should also know about heart disease.? Recognizing the symptoms and know how to react certain heart conditions can save lives.?

coronary heart disease (CHD)

Coronary artery disease can lead to heart attack or other serious complications and is the most common form of heart disease in the United States. When the coronary arteries (the vessels that carry blood to the heart), plaque build up, they will close. This makes it difficult for blood to reach the heart, which in CHD. The narrowing and "hardening" of the arteries by plaque buildup is called atherosclerosis. This can cause decreased blood flow, thereby providing oxygen to the heart.?

can, in some cases of CHD, oxygen supply is completely cut off, a part of the heart, leading to a heart attack. Angina pectoris, a condition characterized by chest pain or discomfort may also occur when the heart is not getting enough oxygen. Sometimes CHD outcomes in heart failure, a serious disease in which the heart can not effectively pump. Cardiac arrhythmias are known as cardiac arrhythmias may also occur.?

Angina pectoris is the most common symptom in patients with CHD. But some people have no symptoms and are not diagnosed until they have a heart attack. It is important that both people with symptoms and those where a high risk for coronary heart disease diagnostic tests.? Factors, the risk of high blood pressure) to include high level (LDL cholesterol, high blood sugar and a history of heart disease.?

treatment are the elimination of unhealthy lifestyle factors that increase the risk of coronary heart disease and its complications. His product is too high (LDL) cholesterol, reduce high blood pressure, decreased blood flow or other possible problems helpful. Additional medical treatment or surgery may also be necessary.?

Heart Attack

heart attack, also called a myocardial infarction, occurs when the oxygen supply to a part of the heart significantly reduced. When the heart does not receive sufficient oxygen doses, the cells begin to die. The more time passes, has done more damage and can cause death. Heart attack is most commonly caused by coronary heart disease, but can also result from a severe spasm of the coronary arteries.?

A person experiencing a heart attack requires immediate emergency care. For a person with a heart attack, the faster emergency treatment is administered, the greater the chances of survival. For this reason it is important to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack and call 9-1-1 quickly. Doctors perform, as well as emergency medical personnel, can the emergency treatment. A trained viewer can perform CPR or operate an automated external defibrillator if available.?

heart attack can lead to permanent damage to the heart muscle. This makes for a heart attack at greater risk of another heart attack and other serious complications. Myocardial infarction should undergo cardiac rehabilitation to improve their cardiovascular health. Some lifestyle changes are the increase in the rehabilitation of physical activity, dietary changes, stress management, smoking cessation and weight loss. Drugs may also be necessary. Before retuning should be with everyday activities such as driving, work, consult with physical activity, sex and air travel after myocardial infarction with their doctor.?

Other terms and conditions

angina: When the heart is not enough oxygen, chest pain, known as angina can result. It is as experienced a crushing pain or pressure in the chest. Pain in the shoulders, neck, jaw, arms or backs occur. Other times, a person thinks they experience angina with indigestion. Angina is classified as either stable or unstable. When angina occurs with physical, mental or emotional stress, it is described as stable. Unstable angina occurs when a person is at rest, and without apparent cause.?

aortic aneurysm and dissection: The aorta extends from the heart blood supply to all parts of the body. If the aorta expands or enlarges an aneurysm results. If the aorta ruptures as an emergency preparation results.

Acute coronary syndrome: This term describes people pectoris and acute myocardial infarction or unstable angina.?

arrhythmias: An arrhythmia is the irregular heartbeat. Electrical impulses controlling the heartbeat. When these impulses are interrupted, an arrhythmia results. Some are serious while others are less serious, but at first become more serious over time.?

cardiomyopathy: If the heart muscle is weak or there is a change in the structure of the heart muscle, cardiomyopathy occurs. It can be from previous heart attacks are caused infections, and other factors and can result in abnormal function of the heart.?

Congenital Heart Disease: Congenital heart disease is the result of birth defects that disrupt the flow of blood through the heart. Examples are changes in the chambers of the heart or heart valves.? Genes as well as negative risks during pregnancy can cause this type of heart disease.?

Heart Failure: This is sometimes referred to as chronic or congestive heart failure. This is a serious disease that occurs when the heart does not pump enough blood, so that supply organs, without enough oxygen.?

peripheral arterial disease (PAD): This disease is caused by the "hardening" of the arteries that supply oxygen to the limbs. It is usually caused by atherosclerosis, the plaque buildup that narrows the arteries. Insufficient oxygen supply to the legs can cause muscle pain, numbness, and swelling in the arms or legs.?

rheumatic heart disease: This disease refers to heart damage caused by inflammation and scarring that result from rheumatic fever.?



David Crumrine at the Caring Space. We are an organization that connects caregivers and care seekers, providing an easy and affordable resource for families seeking care for friends/loved ones and caregivers seeking employment.

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