Flowing and Going But Flawed - Circulation Problems
The body of the circulatory process includes the entirety of our system. Blood flow and distribution is vital to every corner of our physical makeup. The heart is an organ of implementing a crucial role in blood circulation. Noble as the heart-figuratively and literally, it is also an institution, a large amount of patience. It can take years for the heart to the abuse we often unmindfully him. But if our so-called mismanagement of them go beyond the border, the heart finally gives in. Up to the time when heart or cardiovascular problems, one of which is spreading problems.
Due to the poor lifestyle choices, health issues begin to manifest May. A common tendency for the majority to eat is an unbalanced diet and live with less physical activity, or are sedentary. These are among the fundamental factors contributing to the fatty deposits in artery walls. These fatty deposits begin May to the systems over time and form in harmful substances known as plaques. Weld stubborn plaques in the arterial walls impede the blood flow to and from the heart. This condition is a leading cause of traffic problems. Formation of plaques in the arteries, after a long period of time.
This is the reason why this particular condition is among the aging process or elderly population. Too much consumption of cholesterol-rich foods is another offender. May increase cholesterol build the viscosity of the blood-yet another element, based on the traffic problems. Problems such as transport, the whole system manifests itself in numerous ways. Other than the heart, the brain, kidneys, liver, the limbs and even sex-drive can be influenced by transport problems. Twenty percent of blood circulated through the system goes to the brain. When the blood flow to the brain is in any way reduced, there is often considerable consequences.
A person can it be that weakness or lethargy that are in difficulty or clear thinking and memory problems. It could also suddenly starts dizziness or headaches. When the traffic problems affect the heart, symptoms such as chest pain and increase in blood pressure and cholesterol levels May occur. A person can easily become tired and out of breath when basic physical activities such as climbing stairs or walking over a distance. The kidneys are responsible for the elimination of waste and excess water from the body. More than this, they are also necessary for the regulation and monitoring of blood pressure. Circulatory problems are consequential to the kidneys.
indications of this condition be changed heart rate, elevated blood pressure and swelling of the hands, feet and ankles. If the liver is affected by the traffic problems, a person May suffer from lack of appetite or sudden weight loss. May the skin begin to feel dry and lacking in luster. Sudden numbness of the limbs may be the result of traffic problems. When it comes to sex drive, traffic problems can lead to erectile dysfunction or impotence in men. Something as basic as the impact of physical activity blood circulation in the body. Health experts have long advocated regular physical activity combined with healthy eating in this regard.
These promote better cardiovascular health and proper blood circulation is within the scope of the directive. Quality health supplements can also aid in this crucial public health measure.
The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose decided to share her knowledge and tips through her website http://www.healthzine.org. You can sign up for her free newsletter and enjoy a healthy and happy life.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rose_Windale
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