
Heart disease is an umbrella term for a number of different diseases affecting the heart. As of 2007, it is the leading cause of death in the United States, England, Canada and Wales, killing one person every 34 seconds in the United States alone.
The blood vessels consist of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins. All blood is carried in these vessels. The arteries, which are strong, flexible, and resilient, carry blood away from the heart and bear the highest blood pressures. Because arteries are elastic, they narrow (recoil) passively when the heart is relaxing between beats and thus help maintain blood pressure. The arteries branch into smaller and smaller vessels, eventually becoming very small vessels called arterioles. Arteries and arterioles have muscular walls that can adjust their diameter to increase or decrease blood flow to a particular part of the body.

Red Yeast Rice - Lowering Cholesterol Naturally  

For those who have been advised to lower their cholesterol, but are concerned about the serious adverse events associated with statin drugs (eg dysfunction of the liver, muscle atrophy, memory loss, etc.), clinically proven natural Alternatives are available. The Chinese Red Yeast Rice wort, for example, were informed by the doctor at the Reference Desk of dietary supplements to "significantly reduce cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in total, compared to a placebo." In view of the fact that the PDR is the authoritative text in the medical field to supplement, and it is written by doctors for doctors, it is disappointing that some doctors recommend Red Yeast Rice to manage hypercholesterolaemia in their patients. After all, Red Yeast Rice contains the same cholesterol-lowering HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (lovastatin) as a drug Mevacor. And yet, even after six times lower doses, Red Yeast Rice, the isolation from the pharmaceutical lovastatin, a wider range of services and incomparably larger margin.

Despite these findings, and in disregard of both sense and the rights of consumers to their health, both the FDA and the manufacturers of lovastatin lobbying the courts to the sale of Red Yeast Rice, arguing that its efficacy they qualified as a drug, the FDA and the medical regulation. In 1999, the Federal District Court in Utah ruled against the FDA that Red Yeast Rice was not a drug but a dietary supplement. More recently the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on 24 July 2000 that Red Yeast Rice is subject to the regulation of the FDA. Currently the future of the Red Yeast Rice is uncertain, but what all these legal debate shows, is a rather deep, that agreements between private interests and the FDA. If something works great and is safer than expensive drugs, why should it be kept from the public?

Part 2: The lower the cholesterol the higher the profits

If you watch prime-time television these days - just occasionally - it is almost impossible to Miss barrage of advertising trying to keep you and the rest of the adult America, in order for the latest cholesterol-lowering medications on the market. This advertisement would have us believe that if we take care of our health, and we love, we should keep our low cholesterol with drugs. The problem is that statins, like many of the drugs on the market so aggressively to the public in these days have dangerous and even deadly side effects.

no longer the exception, side effects and deaths from drugs have hit astronomical levels. After one of the most respected and widely read medical journals in the World - The American Journal of Medicine (JAMA) - approximately 108,000 Americans die each year from the "non-error negative side effects of medications." During the entirety of our involvement in Vietnam, 53,000 Americans died. People flooded the streets in protest. The entire nation was divided. The story is still difficult in the sense of revulsion and disgust the senseless violence of the war against the popular consciousness. And yet, if the statistics are accurate JAMA, annual deaths from prescribed medications are now occurring at a rate 14-times higher than those during the Vietnam War. What may be even more disturbing than the statistics themselves is the fact that there is little, if an open and meaningful discussion on it. When it comes to lowering cholesterol, many of the efficiency of research that calls into question the concept of high cholesterol causes heart disease. Low cholesterol, in fact, has been shown to increase the risk of stroke and cancer.

cholesterol, after all, is something our bodies were equipped to deal. It is essential for the production of all steroid hormones and vitamin D for maintaining the fluidity of cell membranes, and for the transport and distribution throughout the body fat soluble nutrients such as vitamin E, carotenoids, and coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 is a co-factor for energy production in the mitochondria of each cell of our body. Because heart muscle has the most mitochondria of the cell every muscle in your body (5000 heart muscle mitochondria per cell compared with 50 for musculoskeletal-), when the CoQ10 drops, the heart is one of the first institutions done. Why then, if statin drugs are known to lead to a decline of coenzyme Q10, they are used to prevent heart disease? Unfortunately, because the drug companies are a killing - both literally and figuratively - the sale of these drugs, they have every reason to distort or disregard information that contradicts their "lipid hypothesis" of cardiac and vascular diseases. Mercurial the relationship between pharmaceutical companies and the 'experts' who decide what strategies should be used by the Americans to prevent heart disease, was made public by a consumer group recently. The following excerpt from an Associated Press article, 17 July 2004, addresses this relationship poignantly:

"Most of the heart disease experts who urgently more people, the cholesterol-lowering drugs this week have made money from the companies selling those medicines."

The article went on to say, that the new guidelines these experts would add 7 million more Americans to the 36 million already encouraged to take the pills to lower cholesterol. Regardless of whether you choose to lower your cholesterol, or investigate in greater depth the validity to be done, you should know that safe and natural methods to do.


To learn more about the benefits of Red Yeast Rice, visit: http://www.patienthealthyself.info/red_yeast_rice.html

Sayer Ji is a philosopher of nutrition and nutrition educator. He founded http://www.patienthealthyself.info this year in order to provide the public strictly scientific information on the therapeutic effects of herbs, foods, spices and vitamins. Without freedom of information, there can be no health freedom.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sayer_Ji

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