
Heart disease is an umbrella term for a number of different diseases affecting the heart. As of 2007, it is the leading cause of death in the United States, England, Canada and Wales, killing one person every 34 seconds in the United States alone.
The blood vessels consist of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins. All blood is carried in these vessels. The arteries, which are strong, flexible, and resilient, carry blood away from the heart and bear the highest blood pressures. Because arteries are elastic, they narrow (recoil) passively when the heart is relaxing between beats and thus help maintain blood pressure. The arteries branch into smaller and smaller vessels, eventually becoming very small vessels called arterioles. Arteries and arterioles have muscular walls that can adjust their diameter to increase or decrease blood flow to a particular part of the body.

Foods That Lower Blood Pressure - Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally  

Do you suffer from hypertension? If so, you should know that along with other natural methods, there are foods that help lower blood pressure. Maybe you take prescription medication for your illness, but there are some good reasons to take it! Here you will find some information you need in order to improve your health and add years to your life.

Anyone who suffers with hypertension know that the reduction of salt is very important. Did you know there are many foods that lower blood pressure in combination with other programs? Meditation, deep breathing, exercise and certain foods all contribute to your readings.

Why you should not prescription drugs? Many of these drugs are synthetic, and can do more harm than good to your body. Alpha-and beta-blockers can cause headaches, nausea, and in some cases raise your cholesterol bath! That is why with food and other natural remedies to lower your blood pressure is so important.

Here are some foods that lower blood pressure

Dark Chocolate





These are just some of the food, the impeccable in your fight against hypertension. Of course, food alone will not cure the problem. But in combination with other natural remedies, you can lower your blood pressure by a huge margin in a few days!

use of natural methods to control your disease is very good for your overall health expenditure. In fact, you can add years of your life! Improving your blood pressure with natural remedies will also help people with cholesterol and diabetes problems.

Are you ready to learn more about the use of foodstuffs and other options to lower your course readings? Visit the following links to learn more about food, lower blood pressure and the best guide for dealing with high blood pressure the natural way.


Learn more about foods that lower blood pressure and other ways to control your hypertension naturally - without dangerous and costly prescription drugs! For more information on the best blood pressure resources, visit Natural Blood Pressure Remedies

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Teresa_Tackett

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