Understanding Cholesterol
When someone starts to talk about cholesterol we always assume that this is bad news, but there are good and bad cholesterol cholesterol.
But first, we should try to understand what cholesterol is that we all need fat in our body, We use some fat, some with us immediately. Within the liver, the fat will be divided into two types: cholesterol and triglycerides, which are then delivered through the body into the bloodstream of a vehicle from proteins. These are so-called lipoproteins, which are again spilt into two types.
LDL Low Density Lipoproteins
HDL High Density Lipoproteins
When there is too much cholesterol, in the bloodstream, fat cushion build, leading to a narrowing of the arteries could lead a stroke or heart attack. LDL is known as "bad" cholesterol.
HDL as "good" cholesterol collects the bad cholesterol and returns it back to the liver.
Cholesterol is not the only cause of heart disease, but it is a great factor.
There are many reasons may be dropped With a high cholesterol diet level.
A high in saturated fats
Lack the exercise
Excessive alcohol
Family history
Everybody today should be aware of their cholesterol count, the be measured by a simple blood test. The results will show whether you are too high or even low.
To ensure a healthy lifestyle, the changes to your diet is often all that is needed to secure your levels correct.
Watching your diet, especially the limit on the amount of saturated fatty acids and daily salt intake, reduce your level. The combination with regelmaiger movement, which increase blood circulation, should your cholesterol count normal.
For return to those with a very high level of a visit to your doctor may require you to drugs such as cholesterol statins.
The importance of these tests can not be stressed For a healthy life and well-being always a qualified health provider.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Lyall
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