My Cholesterol Story - How I Beat Cholesterol!
Have you already fighting for months or even years to your cholesterol levels to a normal level? Perhaps you have tried dieting. Or, perhaps even with your doctor, you can rely on one of these well-known cholesterol drugs, and still can not seem to secure your numbers below the highly coveted mark 200?
Well, I had the same problem, but a little worse than most, actually much worse! Would you believe, 800 +? Most people react to this number with, "How high?" That was about two years. Then about a year ago, it was on only 520 or so, yes ... only
When I found out about the 800 count and had heard people complain counts of plus 200 to 300 or so I just thought, "Well, I think I will soon dead," and "What is the Point? "" How can I get my cholesterol somewhat similar to everything normal, if I start with your 800? "
That bad news came during a "health screening" provided by my employer. The woman doing my personal screening suggested that I try linseed oil. She said she had experienced high cholesterol and high blood pressure and they both brought under control with linseed oil. What do I have to lose, I picked up a 32 ounces. Bottle and proceeded sporadically to take a bottle to a tablespoon at a time during the next year. Now that the commitment is not it?
As I said, the next health screening in the following year show some improvements ... to 520, wow, almost three times the required standard! I bought another 32 ounces. Bottle of linseed oil and ran sporadically in the same program, the occasional spoonful dose. I could not remember that the daily dose. I was not committed to what I thought was an impossible goal, even if I had experienced a degree of success.
Then I began, some strange sensations. I had this light flashes and heat flushed feelings. Sometimes I even felt like my face was under pressure because neither a better description. I decided to make an appointment with my doctor. I will not go into all the details, but I have to finish in a mild blood pressure medication. They also suggested that I am relaxed about five pounds and get some exercise and perhaps I could before the drugs to a certain point. It was not only very conservative with the 5-pound amount. Do I have that I needed to lose about 30 pounds or so.
Anyway that the appointment was the turning point for me. My commitment level a 180 degree turn. I did not miss a dose of linseed oil , because on that day (with the exception of about three days during a bout with a mild case of food poisoning). The results were surprising to say the least. I am proud to report that my youngest cholesterol reading was an amazing 175 ! I could hardly believe my ears! Wow, that is what I call great news.
Who would have believed that a 800 plus cholesterol reading could be drastically reduced? Had I just thought it would be possible, I would have too much much more serious about my daily dose of linseed oil . Do not be hardheaded like me. Try it for yourself. You'll be glad you did!
It was amazing to me that there could be such a simple answer to such a serious problem. The simple answer ... For me it is linseed OIL!
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