Calcium Scan Technology - Measuring Heart Health
Many people are at risk for heart attacks and are not even aware that there is a problem. Fortunately, there is a test known as electron beam computed tomography, or EBCT can detect that an increased risk of heart attack among people based on the amount of calcium in the arteries. This test is usually done on healthy persons who are not predisposed to heart attack risk.
A calcium scan, such as the EBCT is generally known, lasts about 90 seconds to the cost and can be over $ 600 in average. It measures and calculates the amount of calcium deposits in the coronary arteries. Based on this information, the doctors to better treat and prevent heart attacks in many people who are otherwise healthy persons.
calcium-scan results are based on a scale and a higher result indicates an increased risk of heart attack. This points to more calcium in the arteries, the main cause of heart attacks, which many people are generally healthy. Even for those who are at risk for heart problems, this scan can be a preventive measure that can be done at regular intervals.
A calcium scan result will be on a scale from 0 to 2112th There are four types of risk. Anyone with a Score of 10 or less are considered insignificant atherosclerosis, while the values from 10 to 99 indicate mild atherosclerosis. Any result from 100 to 399 is considered moderate atherosclerosis and values over 400 indicate advanced atherosclerosis. This scan is not completely exclude, arteriosclerosis, because soft calcified plaque can be later on, so that a regular scans might be required.
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