Ayurvedic and Dietary Treatments for High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure or hypertension is the condition when the blood flow in the arteries and veins is forced under a higher pressure than normal. This can happen because of the weakness of the heart or by building up cholesterol in the coronary arteries, reducing its lumen. Today, most people in the world suffer from high blood pressure, but it is not always fatal. The right medication and a positive lifestyle can allow people with a higher blood pressure, lead a long and happy life. However, neglect can cause serious problems such as fatal myocardial infarctions (heart attacks).
High blood pressure is known as Rakta Gata Vata in Ayurveda. They can be caused by vitiation of one of the three doshas, if the contribution of Vata Dosha can have more than it is for the circulation of blood. The following are the main precipitating factors for people with different doshas: -
1. Vata type of Hypertension? This is caused by extreme emotions such as fear, anxiety and stress.
2. Pitta type of hypertension? This is confirmed by negative feelings such as hatred, jealousy and a feeling of revenge.
3. Kapha type of hypertension? This is due to problems with digestion.
(1) Useful Herbs in the treatment of high blood pressure
1. Alfalfa (Medicago Satina)
Alfalfa contains several elements that are necessary in the softening of hard arteries. This reduces the tension in the arteries and thus for the treatment of hypertension.
2. Blood Wort (Achillea millefolium)
word is a sweat-inducing herb. It is the blood flow in the direction of the output of the skin sweat. Through this movement of the blood, high blood pressure is reduced. Bloodword contains an alkaloid that is effective in reducing high blood pressure.
3. Garlic (Allium sativum)
Garlic is an anti-spasmodic agent. Therefore reduces the pressure in the arteries caused by the pumping of the heart into the bloodstream. Garlic creates a rhythm in the pumping of the heart, which eases the pulse. Other problems such as high blood pressure, dizziness, shortness of breath and indigestion are also the maintenance of garlic. Garlic is generally regarded as the best solution for high blood pressure.
4. Jaundice Berry (Berberis vulgaris)
Jaundice Berry is a very effective remedy to treat high blood pressure. It eases the tension in the arteries, they expand. Thus the blood flow in them is easier.
5. Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
parsley as a monitor of the blood vessels. It regulates the flow of blood and keep it in easy transport. It takes care of the entire arterial system. It is an herb very beneficial for people with high blood pressure.
6. Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina)
The effect of Rauwolfia in the arteries and veins of the human have been studied in detail, and very positive results. Rauwolfia has a treasure trove of alkaloids for the relaxation of the arteries, the synchronization of the blood flow in them, making palpitations and even removing the build-cholesterol in the arteries. Therefore, practitioners of all forms of medicine acknowledge the effects of Rauwolfia. In Ayurveda especially the root of Rauwolfia is responsible for hypertension patients. The Ayurvedic name for Rauwolfia is sarpagandha.
(2) Dietary treatment for high blood pressure
A strict dietary regime is important for early treatment of high blood pressure. The following points should be noted: -
1. Salt should be reduced or completely from the diet. Hot and spicy foods should also be avoided.
2. Instead of hydrogenated fats, unsaturated fats and easy to use. These include oils of sesame, olive, linseed, mustard and groundnut. Ghee and butter made from cow? S milk are beneficial. Buffalo milk should be avoided.
3. Digestive disorders, the care of the consumption good amount of leafy vegetables with fiber.
4. Bitter gourd drumsticks and vegetables are beneficial for people with high blood pressure. Colocasia must be avoided, but yellow gourd helps in reducing blood pressure.
5. Among fruits, bananas, oranges, guavas and apples are good. All types of dry fruits and nuts are good.
6. Confectionery and chocolate should be avoided.
7. Red meat should be avoided. But white meats, especially fish are beneficial in lowering blood pressure.
(3) Ayurvedic concepts for high blood pressure
Sarpagandha is the drug of choice for high blood pressure. Not only is this drug in the Ayurvedic medicine, but it is also in allopathic medicine in the treatment of high blood pressure. In addition, the following herbal preparations are dependent on the cause of high blood pressure doshic: -
A. Vataja For high blood pressure, jatamansi and Brahmi are provided.
For Pittaja high blood pressure, and sandalwood sarsarapilla are provided.
For Kaphaja high blood pressure, Calamus, Arjuna, shilajit, Guggul and Berberis are provided.
(4) Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure
A. Do you have a tablespoon of lemon juice mixed with honey every morning. B.
Oranges are very helpful for high blood pressure. Do you have a juice of two oranges or three every day.
c. Prepare a powdered mixture of cumin seeds, fennel seeds and sugar. Take a spoonful of this mixture in water every morning and every evening.
Read More on high blood pressure cure and high blood pressure home remedies by Ayurveda at http://www.ayushveda.com
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