Remedying High Blood Pressure Through Stress Control
Stress in any form is something that can slowly sabotage your health. It can launch pad for the development of many diseases, but rather in the context of the vernacular they are the heart and circulatory diseases. In fact, a high degree of unmanaged stress is a known risk factor for hypertension.
The stress hormones are the ones who are the link between stress and hypertension. While chronic stress, as we call it adrenaline and cortisol (stress hormones) are consistently on. Correspondingly, the vital functions would change, over the increase of blood pressure. Some experts say that stress can be a risk factor in itself but it can also develop other risk factors. The problem of chronic stress May branch off to a bad nutritional habits, alcohol consumption, smoking and physical inactivity - all of which are risk factors for hypertension.
Stress also influences sleep hygiene. The extent to which a person would actually affect sleep depend on how a person deals with stress. According to studies, those who sleep like a baby at night after a busy day are those who try to ignore the feelings of fear and tension. Those who worry about the feelings of fear and tension are those who have trouble sleeping at night. It was also found in studies that sleep is more vunerable to stress hormone.
Indeed, stress management plays a critical role in blood pressure and other related conditions such as sleep hygiene. Initially, before the attempt to control stress, a person to know and recognize the signs of stress. Stress can be easily managed, because there is a lot of ways to do it, but if these symptoms are often ignored, then the problem can not be promptly.
Physically, a person may have dizziness, headaches, digestive disorders, increased muscle tension, insomnia, sweaty palms, exhaustion and either weight gain or weight loss. On the mental aspect, there can be constant worrying, decision-making problems, poor memory and inability to concentrate. During the period of stress, changes in emotion may be anger, anxiety, depression, mood swings and irritability. Negative attitudes are issued - bossiness, compulsive eating, alcohol /drug abuse, social and withdrawal.
The solution is easy and simple logic - identifying the source of stress and try to reduce. It would not help if you think too much about things that you can not at this moment. Just know that your plan if you do it, and reset the case.
Relaxation aside techniques, such as breathing techniques, muscle relaxation, and medication can also be done. All these can be combined in activities like yoga, Tai Chi or Qigong. Studies show that those who practiced techniques for two to three months, had significant decrease in blood pressure, had lower levels of stress hormones, and were less anxious.
There is also a technique called mental images, where quiet, images created will. Biofeedback on the other side is a method that teaches you to monitor your body while you relax, with the use of instruments for measuring vital functions such as temperature, pulse, and muscle tension. There are also studies to support the effectiveness of biofeedback in the reduction of blood pressure.
Stress reduction simply means not neglecting the importance of regular good sleep and proper eating habits. A short nap is also known to reduce stress. Try an exercise routine that you can enjoy (dancing, swimming, etc.) Even if you are anxious or stressed, sometimes it would be helpful if they all let it out of your chest, your release burden.
Gerrard Mackenzie is a contributor at Supercharge Your Sleep. He has taught thousands of the stressed-out, tired and overworked how to overcome their sleeping difficulties, get a better night's rest and have more energy. You can find out more about him at
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