
Heart disease is an umbrella term for a number of different diseases affecting the heart. As of 2007, it is the leading cause of death in the United States, England, Canada and Wales, killing one person every 34 seconds in the United States alone.
The blood vessels consist of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins. All blood is carried in these vessels. The arteries, which are strong, flexible, and resilient, carry blood away from the heart and bear the highest blood pressures. Because arteries are elastic, they narrow (recoil) passively when the heart is relaxing between beats and thus help maintain blood pressure. The arteries branch into smaller and smaller vessels, eventually becoming very small vessels called arterioles. Arteries and arterioles have muscular walls that can adjust their diameter to increase or decrease blood flow to a particular part of the body.

Heart Diseases in Babies and Children  

There are different types of cardiovascular disease, manifest themselves in infants and young children. One of these is the innate nature, which develops before the baby is born. These include cardiac malformations, such as the presence of holes between the chambers, the merger of the chambers, the absence of a chamber or valve, or the networking of the arteries, therefore, that a proper functioning of the heart. Congenital heart defects may be apparent shortly after birth, but some are not detected until much later.

The statistics show that eight in every thousand babies are affected with a congenital heart problem, ranging from mild to severe cases. Often, the likelihood of having a child with a congenital heart defect can not be assessed with certainty. Although the probability appears to be higher when there is already a case of this problem in the family. Even healthy parents, children with this disorder.

Although it is assumed that congenital heart defect is a genetic origin, has very few genes identified that are clearly associated with cardiovascular diseases. There is some evidence that this condition can also be caused by drugs by the mother or infections contracted during pregnancy.

There is also heart disease in children who are not innate. These are usually caused by a disease that the baby or child has, such as rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever can cause inflammation of the heart that are permanently damaged proper functioning of the heart. Arrhythmia, or irregular beating of the heart, can be congenital or acquired.

heart abnormalities in newborns is often associated with cases of blue babies. This can also affect the normal development of the child, based on the times have difficulty in breathing, poor appetite, and slow growth.


Health problems and diseases afflict many people. Charles Moore at the Health Advisory Center provides information on many health related problems and diseases. Visit http://healthadvisorycenter.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=C._K._Moore


Blood Pressure - Take a Hint  

Did you know that in the United States and the United Kingdom, or high blood pressure, also known as hypertension is responsible for more strokes than heart attacks. Hypertension affects approximately 25 percent of people now live in America and one third are not included in the state until it is fatal. This is significantly more in African Americans of both sexes than in other racial group.

hypertension is a medical condition in which fatty deposits in blood vessels and block blood flow resistance and thus to an increase in blood pressure against the vessel wall. The pressure on the vessels of blood to the heart muscles. The heart works harder to pump blood circulates to all parts of the body tissue. The more blood the heart pumps, the smaller the arteries, the higher the blood pressure.

If this condition persists, damage to the vessels and the heart is likely to increase to a high degree the risk of heart failure. Unfortunately, there is in most cases, high blood pressure show no symptoms. And for this reason, it makes sense, your blood pressure checked from time to time.

Blood pressure is usually in the upper arm with an instrument called sphygmomanometer which you might have seen, lying on the desk of the doctor. It consists of an inflatable cuff, around your upper arm and a tube of mercury, that measures the pressure. The reading is expressed in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and is available in two numbers with a number on the other, for example, 120/80 mm Hg, both of which are important for your health.

The upper row, ie the 120 is the systolic blood pressure (SBP), the pressure in the arteries when the heart or contracts, while the lower range ie 80 is the diastolic blood pressure (DBP), the pressure in the arteries when the heart rests between beats.

An average adult normal BP according to scientific study, said that to 139/89 mm Hg or less. A systolic pressure of 140 mm Hg and a diastolic pressure of 90 mm Hg is a limit of stage 1 hypertension, where as 150/100 mm Hg or higher is high, and it is stage 2 hypertension. Of course, blood pressure varies considerably throughout the day and night. During sleep, when our system is relatively inactive, the blood pressure falls due to the low demand for oxygen. It starts to rise, when our day begins with activities. But be assured that doctors know best when and how to read your BP.

Since high BP appears to accelerate the development of disease in the arterial wall, damage to the arterial lining and an additional load capacity for the heart to pump blood, there is much greater chance of developing angina (chest pain) or myocardial infarction .

The kidney plays an important role in the regulation of blood pressure. The secrets of the hormone called renin, the arteries to contract and increase the flow of blood pressure. The kidneys and the fluid volume of blood, because they retain salt in the bloodstream. This salt attracts water so the volume of blood that the arteries, as well as the pressure increases.

hypertension can develop as a result of some other medical disorders such as kidney or liver disease. A diet high in salt could also increase BP in some people. Hereditary, physical inactivity and alcohol plays a major role in the acquisition of BP.


To learn more about blood pressure and heart diseases click here

Knowledge is power, so Learn and Live!

Miracle is an expert researcher on health matters especially heart health, women health and environmental health issues, a motivational speaker and a teacher. I love teaching and writing articles on these topics. My desire is to share the insight gained from this experience to positively affect people's lives. Welcome to my world of health matters

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Miracle_Obi


Is Heart Disease Preventable?  

Heart disease is currently the nations # 1 killer of men and women, while cancer is climbing and surpass these statistics in the near future. In most cases, heart disease is preventable, but there are also genetic factors may be considered. Other diseases such as diabetes, causes a person to the devastating effects of heart disease.

I have a registered nurse for 30 years and worked in the areas of cardiac care and intensive care most of my career. As such, I have cared for those who sometimes fatal consequences of heart disease, heart attacks. A heart attack occurs when a portion of the heart muscle dies. If any part of the heart dies, it can not, because the damage has already happened. Prevention is the key and is the basis of this article. Some heart attacks are worse than others. I'll take this topic in future articles.

The best way to prevent heart disease occurs primarily multiple lifestyle changes. Smoking, obesity and high cholesterol are just some factors which may be amended. Other predisposing factors include diabetes, hypertension, and renal disease may be genetic and more difficult to heal, but it can. Yearly check-ups with your doctor is the first step in the prevention of the disease. Healthy daily exercise and diet changes significantly reduce the changes for the development of cardiovascular disease.

What is heart disease?

heart disease occurs when the arteries around the heart develop plaque. This plaque hardens and narrows the passage of proper blood flow to the heart. When blood flow is significantly reduced or completely stopped, a portion of the heart muscle dies. Nothing can rejuvenate the dead tissue, because the damage has already happened.

Dietary changes

If you think of diets, most people do so only temporarily. But with heart disease, it is a life change. Always consult your doctor before drastic changes in diet. A diet consisting of low in sodium, low fat, low cholesterol. Be sure you have labels in the grocery stores. Stay away from processed foods and canned goods, because they are usually very high in sodium. Do not add extra salt to your meals. Remember, if salt goes, so goes the water. Eating foods high in sodium causes water retention, swelling in your ankles, shortness of breath, high blood pressure and the heart work harder than normal.

Lab work

Your doctor will order some necessary exercise for the early detection of heart disease. These tests are cholesterol, HDL, LDL, lipid and triglyceride levels. HDL cholesterol is good and the bad LDL cholesterol. The high-density lipoprotein or HDL is considered good because it moves more easily into the vessel wall, whereas low-density lipoprotein or LDL is bad because it is more likely to depend on the vascular wall plaque to build up. The laboratory tests will require that you fast for a period of at least 12-15 hours. Do not eat a high cholesterol meal before your test, because this change will make the results and may cause some false positives. If your cholesterol is normal and triglycerides are high, this usually means that it is hereditary. Triglycerides are your sweet tooth, so that eating them made pies, cakes and pastries. Your cholesterol is fatty meat and eggs. Try to make your egg consumption is not more than 3 per week. Egg beaters are a good substitute and contain no cholesterol.

The prevention of heart disease is crucial for maintaining a healthy heart. Small changes can go a long way in reducing the risk of a heart attack. It is also important to remember once that damage to the heart was carried out, nothing to correct. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


Danette Braunstein is a Registered Nurse with 30 years experience in caring for those with heart disease. She has written many informational articles relating to health issues

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Danette_Braunstein


How to Prevent Heart Disease - Try These 4 Natural Substances and Enjoy a Healthy Heart  

Let's face it, cardio-vascular disease, or heart disease is the number 1 killer in America. Men have a greater propensity to develop cardiovascular disease, but every year more and more women are experiencing this condition.

for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, some natural substances have been investigated and have proved effective. Before you start on a natural type of treatment, but make sure that you first contact your doctor and obtain the approval and ongoing monitoring.

Natural ways to prevent heart disease

  • vitamin C improves the enlargement of blood vessels in atherosclerotic patients and those affected by heart failure and high blood pressure.

  • vitamin B-complex breaks Homocystein for improved cardiac performance.

  • CoQ10 when used in combination with vitamin E, showed that the treatment of heart disease.

  • fish oils have been found to reduce the risk of arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, and heart palpitations.

Why Omega-3-fatty acids are so popular?

Omega-3-fatty acids from fish and shellfish oils have the nod from hundreds of health professionals in recent years for their role in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Since the 1970s there was great interest in the role of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) because of the convincing results of several laboratory studies. Such a study was conducted by Dyerberg and Bang on Greenland Eskimos. They found that these people had a lower incidence of death due to cardiovascular disease, compared to the Danes, who lived on a "Western" diet.

This is despite the fact that their diet was rich in fat (fat seal, especially). After studying the results, they concluded that it was mainly the Eskimos' diet, rich in omega-3-PUFAs, which led to reduced tendencies thrombosis and increased vessel dilation.


Lyprinol, an extract of green-lipped mussel, is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Discover how it can help you maintain cardiovascular well-being, Click Here Now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jody_Leadbitter


Cholesterol Levels and Ratios - Are Cholesterol Numbers Confusing You?  

cholesterol are being tested around the world to determine risk factors for heart disease, yet? Many people are confused by the cholesterol numbers and how they are. Part of this confusion may arise from the fact that literature originating in the United States cholesterol levels in units that differ from those in Canada, Europe, and a good portion of the rest of the developed world. So, if you are looking for information on how your test results on the Internet and elsewhere, you can not? The figures in American literature, because they are very different from the cholesterol numbers on your lab report.

The United States Reports cholesterol levels in mg /dl (milligrams per decilitre) blood. The rest of the world is with the measurement called mmol (or millimoles per liter). Without a return to the basic chemistry of high school, shall we say? that they are different measurements. So is it any wonder that these two options give your cholesterol numbers are so different?

Here is how the two different systems of measurement stack desirable cholesterol numbers.

As in the system of measurement, in the United States

  • = total cholesterol below 200 mg /dL

  • LDL? = Less than 100-129 mg /dL (less than 100 is best)

  • HDL? = More than 40 mg /dL (greater than 60 is as protective against heart disease)

, however, as expressed in SI units (International Measurement System), that most of the world is the numbers are different. (You can remember, the letters refer to the good and the bad things of memory is this? Way ... H stands for healthy? And L stands for lousy.)

  • total cholesterol = less than 5,2 mmol /L

  • LDL? = In the range of about 2.6 to 3.3 mmol /l (less than 2.6 is best)

  • HDL? = In the field of more than 1 to 1.5 mmol /L (higher is better) mmol /l

Can you see the difference, as the cholesterol numbers are? The difference, of course, is that the units are being measured. Remember how metric and imperial measures. Your weight in pounds could be a three digit number, but in kilograms, it could be a two-digit number. Same weight different measurements.

understanding of the cholesterol ratio

When used to determine whether you are on cholesterol risk factors for heart disease, it is not the specific levels that are analyzed, but the ratio of HDL in your total lipid profile. This figure is the cholesterol ratio, and there is an indication of how much of your total cholesterol is "good" stuff.

The reason why this is important, because the HDL is useful when used in sufficient quantity is it? has a protective effect and? the LDL in your system can not be so much damage. So even if your LDL is higher than the desired level, if the HDL is high, and how well the ratio in the desired area then the risk of heart disease is lower.

The goal here is that the cholesterol ratio of less than 5:1, the optimum ratio is 3.5. The ratio of cholesterol to the same number, no matter which system of measurement is used. The cholesterol ratio is determined by dividing the total cholesterol by the value for HDL. For example, if you have a total cholesterol of 240 mg /dL and an HDL of 60 mg /dl,? the ratio is 4th The SI system of measurement, if the total cholesterol 7.20 mmol /L and HDL 1.8 mmol /L? the ratio is still 4th

You can see how this is a better understanding of the way the cholesterol risk factors for heart disease and expressing it can prevent confusion arising from not using the units that are used. This information is also helpful for understanding why the strategies recommended? for cholesterol imbalances work. Some of the best strategies are those which raise the HDL level. In particular, it was found, one of the best ways to improve the cholesterol ratio, because it raises HDL levels. In contrast, experience has shown smoking to lower HDL levels, so no exercise and smoking is a recipe for low HDL level, a bad cholesterol ratio and a higher risk for heart disease.

Cholesterol is in every cell of the body and is an essential prerequisite for the maintenance of health. Low cholesterol levels have been associated with poor health, so the goal is not to eliminate or reduce cholesterol completely, but desirable, to the level of individual species, so that the protective benefits of HDL may be for you for the preservation of health.

This will not be confused when they try to understand your cholesterol levels. No matter which way the figures expressed the message is the same. You want enough of the good things and not so much of the bad things to your risk of heart disease.


Beverly Hansen OMalley is a health promotion specialist and likes to write about health related topics that help people in their daily lives. She is the the owner of http://www.registered-nurse-canada.com where she explores the uniqueness of the nursing profession in Canada including comparison of the nursing entrance tests for the US and Canada, comparison of registered nurse salaries across the country and what it means to have a nursing license.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Beverly_OMalley


How to Sustain the Lifestyle Changes You Need For a Healthy Heart  

I was a psychologist for 20 years when I started to severe pain in the chest. Before I could say, "Wait, I'm too young!" I had my chest cracked open and Quadruple bypass surgery.

This should not be a shock, because I had been warned that my life was killing me. My doctor asked me to exercise more, lose weight, and smell the roses. I followed this advice for a while, but soon I was back to my old ways.

After the operation I have a book, a change of heart, and opened the Center for Cardiovascular Wellness. My second book, Cardiovascular Wellness: How to lifestyle changes that you need for a healthy heart, is based on my experience counseling hundreds of cardiac patients in the last 11 years.


lifestyle disease, we understand that heart disease is primarily a disease of lifestyle. No less an expert than Dr. Dean Ornish says, "Many people can start to their heart disease just by a change in their lifestyle."

But understanding alone is clearly not enough to motivate people to heart healthy lifestyle changes. Consider these alarming statistics cited by Dr. Edward Miller, dean of the Medical School at John Hopkins University

"If you look at the people after coronary bypass grafting two years later, 90% of them have not changed their lives."

Why reasonably intelligent people like me, not to changes in the way of life they need to make them alive? The vast majority of my patients were simply too exhausted and decimated to the benefit of lifestyle.

Energy and Self Control

It takes energy (glucose) to fuel all of your activities. Self-regulation is one such activity. Without energy, you can not even exercise or willpower. It is impossible to create a healthy way of living without self-control.

But even in a limited energy source. You can get it up in one area and not for the next area. Will is like a muscle. If you use too much, it will be worn, and can not.

"If you're at a party and energy trying to maintain a good impression, you are less likely to resist the potato chips"

Roy Baumeister, Ph.D., Florida State University.

Good news

The more you exercise the willpower muscle, the stronger it gets. At an exercise program or control spending and you have more energy in order to fight against junk food, tobacco and TV.

Spirit training is not too intense to be effective. Simple rituals of self-regulation, as noted, if you are not judgmental, disbursements are on the way the next time they are tempted.

profile of a cardiac patient:

? Heart patients are fighters. You are in the middle of the battle problems, toxic emotions and unanswered questions of the past

? Exhausted, there is little energy for self-

Two-Prong Approach to a heart healthy lifestyle

1) Stop the energy-channel by false beliefs

2) Here the 9 steps to strengthen the will power your muscles.

Incorrect beliefs drain your energy by choosing to suppress or avoid unpleasant feelings, thoughts and actions. My heart patients often these 8 false beliefs as "helpful" guidelines to live.

1 - Keep on - are not endangered.

2 - Put on a happy face - big boys do not cry.

3 - We are our genes - it is not my fault.

4 - Keep up with the Jones-They can not be enough

5 - Bite Tongue - Keep your feelings to themselves

6 - Simply logical - emotions only through

7 - What has happened is - forget the past

8 - Keep your act together - your weaknesses

The nine steps will power your muscles, which will take you through the exercise of self-discipline.

1 Open your mind - recognize Defensive

2 Tune in to your thoughts - listen to all sides of your dialog

3 Responsibility - You are not a victim. You can

4 accept what is - be grateful for what you have

5 Let the demons sharing reduces their feelings of power

6 is authentic - Let others know that you, warts and all

7 Live in the moment with past and future worries hurts

8 we love to take your mask

9 Create a new mission - Let your values guide actions

A new mission in life is more than a change in what you are doing. It is a change in who you are matters. You do not see people in the same way and wrong beliefs tend to disappear. Energy that was bound in self-defense is free to healthy choices, you are one in ten who are able to sustain a healthy lifestyle heart.


Lawrence A. Decker, Ph.D.
The Center for Cardiac Wellness
312 Morris Ave.
Spring Lake, N.J. 07762
732 -359 -7024

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lawrence_Decker

Eight Benefits of Elevated Cholesterol Levels  

Do you suffer from high cholesterol? If yes, then you have researched whether the cholesterol levels are beneficial or harmful? If you have not already done so, the following will help you gain an insight into the research.

Eleveated cholesterol can be defined as any number above 200 mg /dl. While high cholesterol can be defined as any number above 240 mg /dl. In the United States of America and the world the general population is generally brainwashing that increased cholesterol levels are harmful to the health of the person. But before a decision about something, it would be better to research by the following clip.


  • Cholesterol is a vital substance for life. To maintain the integrity of the cell wall, each cell of the body needs cholesterol

  • Cholesterol is the raw material into the body to hormones, bile acids and vitamin D.

  • It also helps the body in the fight against various infections. This is one of the most important function of cholesterol. It was understood that the atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases caused by organisms which are infectious. The higher cholesterol levels, and protects the body from these provocative microorganisms.

  • It also acts as an active substance to prevent the body from cancer and stroke

  • The body uses cholesterol to repair injuries.

  • cholesterol is through the brain to make the connection between the cells. The fact is, the brain has some special cells, which are responsible for the cholesterol to the brain.

  • people "suffering" from high cholesterol levels live longer. Various studies have been carried out to these results

  • cholesterol is such an important substance in the body if the diet is not able to provide sufficient quantity, then the body itself to the required level. Because of this self-regulation of low-fat diets are usually not to reduce cholesterol levels. The less fat you consume the greater the cholesterol the body makes.

are many points, the solid confirm that cholesterol is necessary for the protection and health. Is not it strange the Government of the United States of America and many doctors are working hard to reduce the cholesterol levels of patients as far as possible?


It is better that the public should open the eyes and they should not play with the health bug. The drive to reduce cholesterol is just a business. Thousands of jobs, billions of dollars and many agencies are busy with the aim of reducing cholesterol levels. Large amount of money is spent, the people are the wrong services and low-fat diet. Big pharmaceutical companies earn huge profits from advertising and sale of the cholesterol-lowering drugs. These companies pay a lot of money to educate doctors about the benefits of cholesterol-lowering drugs. In a story in New York Magazine a doctor to admit the dependence of $ 750, which he referred to the disclosure of the specific cholesterol-lowering medication during the lunch break. Between the last 5 years, by prescription only medication was doubled, and is the 174 million U.S. dollars for manufacturers.


No doubt a lot of money in attempts to get a goal at the end of which is harmful for patients. So you have to evaluate themselves, increased cholesterol levels are only the cause of celebration and it is not a dire health problem about which the people should worry.


Read free articles about Cholesterol and the Heart and become educated on what works and what doesn't. We have many articles here http://www.signsofheartdisease.net about Heart Disease.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chad_R_Fisher